September 11 village gathering honors First Responders

New York State Senator James Tedisco praised First Responders as ‘Super Heroes’ who don’t need to wear capes and commended firefighters, law officers and community emergency corps workers for continuing to serve and protect citizens in an era when ‘hands on’ assistance puts them at increased risk for contracting the coronavirus that as of mid-September had claimed nearly 200,000 American lives.

Patriotic hearts beat as one when a citizenry of masked faces gathered outside of Village Hall on Front Street shortly before the sun set on Friday, September 11, 2020.

Those assembled to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our nation and the official presentation of a community arts exhibit honoring Ballston Spa’s First Responders were also of one voice as they pledged allegiance to the flag against the backdrop of a pandemic likened to “an invisible enemy” that invaded our shores.

Banners lining streetscapes in recognition of the men and women of the Ballston Fire Department (Eagle Matt Lee Fire Company No. 1, and Union Fire Co, No. 2), the Ballston Spa Police Department, the Community Emergency Corp and The Center for HOPE, a cause devoted to missing persons, provided added poignancy to the occasion.

Patriotic music performed by the Union Fire Company Band and inspiring words from the Rev. Francis Vivacqua further lifted spirits as part of the program during which NYS Assemblywoman Mary Beth Walsh and NYS Senator James Tedisco were keynote speakers.

Walsh paid tribute to “the strength of character that is deeply rooted in Americans” who she said have “a long history of coming together when faced with unspeakable tragedy.” Praising “the unflappable bravery” of firefighters and other First Responders whom she described as representing “the best of what it is to be an American . . . demonstrating strength, compassion and resilience.”

Tedisco began his address on a lighter note, wondering if someone might yet invent a face mask that would prevent eyeglasses from getting fogged up. He then mused about wanting to believe happy smiles are hiding behind the protective facial coverings sported by the constituents he sometimes sees in Hannaford and Price Chopper grocery store aisles

Switching gears, the Senator commended those who for the better part of the past six months have donned often uncomfortable masks and practiced social distancing when in public settings as part of a shared quest to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Tedisco praised First Responders as “Super Heroes” who don’t need to wear capes and commended firefighters, law officers and community emergency corps workers for continuing to serve and protect citizens in an era when “hands on” assistance puts them at increased risk for contracting the coronavirus that as of mid-September had claimed nearly 200,000 American lives.

His closing remarks offered reassurances that just as the terrorists who attacked our nation on September 11, 2001 failed in their mission to destroy the basic foundation of our democracy, the “silent killer” that invaded in the form of the 2020 pandemic will also fail to destroy the freedoms that are cornerstones of our democracy.


EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the following images which were taken on the occasion of the September 11 gathering honoring First Responders, the Ballston Spa Living 2020 Community Yearbook will include tributes to those who serve and protect our community under the commands of Ballston Spa Fire Department Chief Mike Bashore, Ballston Spa Police Chief David Bush, Community Emergency Corps Director Ray Otten and Saratoga County Sheriff Michael Zurlo. In the meantime, CLICK HERE to read a detailed account of how Mark Blech and Gina Marozzi joined forces to organize the community arts exhibit honoring First Responders and CLICK HERE to read a companion story about why the banners featuring missing persons are so important to Mary Lyall and The Center for HOPE.

Unless otherwise noted, all images showcased within this galley are courtesy of Alex Blizinski.
Banners recognize missing persons whose unsolved cases remain important to The Center for HOPE & Village Police