Ann Hauprich (E)
The literary tapestry Ann has woven over the past five decades includes threads spun from exclusive interviews with such celebrated personalities as Andy Rooney, David Hyde Pierce and Marylou Whitney. In addition, Ann -- who founded Saratoga Living magazine in 1998 and served as its editor and publisher until 2004 -- has drawn readers into the lives of legions of lesser known, but nonetheless fascinating, individuals.
“I learned early on in my first job as a general assignment reporter at The Canadian Champion in the 1970s that every person has a story if you just take the time to listen,” says Ann. “I was intrigued to discover that seemingly ordinary people were often doing rather extraordinary things with their lives.”
Discover why digging into glass-making history is just part of what’s on tap inside National Bottle Museum

A visiting padre brought out star quality in village couple during their 1998 golden anniversary year, with wish they might return for an encore on diamond jubilee in 2023

Videos by Antonio Bucca capture poignant moments that unfolded on day when historic factory bell tolled 25 times to honor village teen who vanished in 1998