July 2021 Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament
proves it’s the follow-through that makes the difference


Heather, Tara and Rob were of one voice in wanting to create something that would honor their father’s legacy as an individual who had given generously of his time and treasure to helping humanitarian causes and public service endeavors in Saratoga County and surrounding areas.

And as The 9th Annual Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament at the Ballston Spa Country Club nears on Monday, July 12, 2021, one might well add that “in life, as in golf, it’s the follow-through that makes the difference.”

For had the family of the event’s namesake taken a mulligan rather than following through with the establishment of a foundation after the Rider patriarch’s untimely passing in November 2012, tens of thousands of dollars would surely never have been raised to benefit worthwhile causes throughout Saratoga County.

As of the conclusion of The 8th Annual Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament in July 2020, an impressive $69,000 generated by The Rider Cup had been donated to a diversity of not-for-profits including CAPTAIN Community Human Services, Community Hospice of Saratoga, Rebuilding Together and Veterans Community Housing Coalition (VCHC) – to name but a few. Golf tourney proceeds also make it possible for awards to be presented annually to two graduating student athletes at Saratoga Central Catholic High School who have demonstrated perseverance, humility and sportsmanship on and off the playing field.

According to widow Mandy Rider, much credit for the mission statement that drives the annual charity event goes to the couple’s three now adult offspring. “Heather, Tara and Rob were of one voice in wanting to create something that would honor their father’s legacy as an individual who had given generously of his time and treasure to helping humanitarian causes and public service endeavors in Saratoga County and surrounding areas,” recalls Mrs. Rider, who serves as President of the 501 c-3 foundation that was chartered in 2013.

As Ed Lake, a member of the foundation’s Board of Directors who cherishes memories of a longtime friendship that included golfing with the late legal eagle for whom The Rider Cup is named recently observed, in addition to raising funds to aid worthy causes, the occasion “provides an opportunity for Mark’s family, friends and colleagues to reunite each year to reflect upon who he was as well as what he did for others without any fanfare or desire for public recognition or thanks.”

The fact that newcomers are also welcome to join in the fun and fellowship on the greens where strong sponsorship support makes it possible for the $100 per golfer registration fee to also cover the cost of a gourmet dinner is yet another reason why the event continues to grow in popularity, despite pandemic challenges. Masked, social distancing participants also enjoy chances to win raffles, prizes for Top 3 Foursomes and much more.

“Mark quietly did so much for so many with such great humility that even some of those closest to him weren’t aware of the full extent of his selfless contributions until his obituary was published after he passed away at the age of 64. He would have liked the affordable, inclusive nature of the tournament and the fact that it takes place at the golf course where he was a member from 1978 until 2012,” notes Mrs. Rider, who is also a retired educator and devoted grandmother of eight.

Prior to establishing a private law practice in Ballston Spa in 1975, Mark Rider had earned the rank of sergeant while serving in the US Army during the Vietnam era. He subsequently worked for the County of Saratoga and the Saratoga County Attorney’s Office for a quarter of a century, being first appointed assistant county attorney, then promoted to first assistant county attorney and appointed to county attorney on May 1, 1998. He retired from the latter position in December 2010.

Other notable achievements included serving as president of the Saratoga County Bar Association in 1993, member of the NYS Bar Association’s House of Delegates, member of the committee on professional standards, chair of the Ballston Spa Educational Foundation and president of the NYS County Attorney’s Association. He was also the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York in 1992 and the NYS Bar Association President’s Pro Bono Service Award in 1996. Little wonder his legacy additionally included earning the respect of colleagues, county department staff and members of the Saratoga County Board of Supervisors! Additional credits included being a past president of the Ballston Spa Lions Club and a respected member of the Ballston Spa Country Club. The Legal Eagle, who was often spotted running with faithful canine Mac by his side, also coached T-ball, baseball, soccer and basketball.

Because of the vital role The Community Hospice of Saratoga had played as Mark Rider’s earthly sojourn was drawing to a close, that not-for-profit was among the first to receive a donation from the foundation that oversees the charity golf tournament. Nearly a decade later, Hospice remains a regular beneficiary of funds that assist the organization in fulfilling its mandate to provide “quality care, education and support for individuals and families facing life-changing journeys, enhancing quality of life for all.”

When asked about the importance of the Rider foundation’s support to the charity which cares for approximately 4,000 people annually, Community Hospice Foundation Executive Director Steve Manny offered this insightful and inspiring response: “The funding that we have received from the Mark Rider Memorial Fund has had a direct impact on our ability to provide special opportunities to people at the end of life’s journey that are not reimbursed by Medicare or other insurances. These programs bring added comfort and peace to hospice patients and their loved ones during a very difficult time in their lives. My heartfelt thanks to all who have helped The Community Hospice over many years through the activities of The Mark Rider Memorial Fund.”

Andy Gilpin, Executive Director of CAPTAIN Community Human Services, emphasizes that the community-based not-for-profit relies on “the selfless support of philanthropic partners” like the Mark Rider foundation. Gilpin said the generous gift CAPTAIN received as a result of the 2020 Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament helped the organization to “ensure our community’s kids have food on the table, seniors have transportation to critical medical appointments, and homeless teens have a safe place to spend the night and get the help they need. The unrestricted nature of their gift allows us to direct funds to where they’re needed the most to support the community in the best way possible.” says Gilpin.

Michelle Larkin, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, meanwhile, notes that the need to keep families safe in their homes is more important than ever during the COVIS crisis. According to Larkin, dollars raised through the Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament make a bigger difference than many might realize. “Just imagine the joy of a homeowner who can remove the buckets from their living room now that they have a new roof! A homeowner who is able to safely and independently take a shower due to their remodeled bathroom! A homeowner who is now able to leave their home safely on the newly installed ramp; whether to simply get their own mail or to get to their doctor’s appointment! With your support we continue to change lives.”

Other worthy causes that have benefited from Rider Cup proceeds have included the Ballston Spa Community Emergency Corps, Ballston Spa Lions, Ballston Spa Public Library, FANS (Friends & Neighbors of Ballston Spa), Helping Hands and the Jack Sandler Leadership Foundation.

If you’d like to get in the swing of things at this summer’s Mark M. Rider Memorial Golf Tournament … read on!

Don’t let the lack of belonging to a foursome hold you back as you ponder the possibility as organizers excel at matching golfers who lack the required three additional partners with others who would be delighted to join foursome forces with them. The creation of new foursomes can be arranged up until two days before the July 12, 2021 event which officially gets underway with registrations at noon.

Out of an abundance of caution to help prevent the spread of the pandemic, those who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID by the tournament date will be asked to don protective facial coverings and practice social distancing etiquette while on the grounds. As an example, each foursome will have two carts. Those who are comfortable riding together may do so. Or one player may walk with the bags while the other drives.

Prizes for the Top 3 Foursomes and raffles will be awarded during the dinner portion of the program. Sponsorship support makes it possible to continue for the ninth consecutive year with the $100 per golfer registration fee and to additionally cover the cost of a scrumptious late afternoon meal where sponsor banners lend an added touch of class to the festivities. Sponsorship opportunities also abound both for those businesses, professionals and friends wishing to invest in banners and/or tee signs. All supporters will be gratefully acknowledged during the tournament.

To learn more, contact Mandy Rider at 518.727.7915 or email ridermm@aol.com.


Rider award honors perseverance, humility and good sportsmanship

Rider siblings Heather, Tara and Rob (who graduated from SCC in1989, 1990 and 1993, respectively) were thus elated when the decision was made to establish an annual memorial award bearing their late dad’s name to be presented to two graduating SCC student athletes whose conduct was a positive reflection of the above stated character attributes – both on and off their alma mater’s playing fields.

By all accounts, Mark Rider led by example when it came to instilling the merits of demonstrating perseverance, humility and good sportsmanship, both on and off the playing fields of life.

Bearing witness to these exquisite qualities in their now late father made an especially huge impact on his three children during their teen years as scholars and athletes at Saratoga Central Catholic High School.

Rider siblings Heather, Tara and Rob (who graduated from SCC in1989, 1990 and 1993, respectively) were thus elated when the decision was made to establish an annual memorial award bearing their late dad’s name to be presented to two graduating SCC student athletes whose conduct was a positive reflection of the above stated character attributes – both on and off their alma mater’s playing fields.

The $1,000 allocated annually for the award that is evenly split between one female and one male senior, ideally assists the graduates with some of their future college costs.

According to SCC Dean of Student Life and Coordinator of Alumni Affairs Maria Izzo the Mark Rider Memorial Award is much appreciated by the school that “seeks to enlighten, inspire, and nurture the minds, hearts, and souls of our students in academic excellence based on the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition.”

While the identities of the Class of 2021 student athletes who will soon share the distinguished award have not yet been announced, the names of those who were honored in the past follows: Lauren Maher and Dante Marin (Class of 2020); Timothy Barrett and Griffin Day (Class of 2019); Kevin Cronin and Michael Halligan (Class of 2018); Nicholas Conrad and Connor Farrington (Class of 2017); Anthony Coppola and Ian Dorsey (Class of 2016); Melody Ashline and Ryan Czarnecki (Class of 2015) and Anlyn Billington and Gerald Hmura (Class of 2014.)

To learn more about Saratoga Central Catholic High School, visit https://www.saratogacatholic.org/