Meet Editor Ann Hauprich

The literary tapestry Ann has woven over the past five decades includes threads spun from exclusive interviews with such celebrated personalities as Andy Rooney, David Hyde Pierce and Marylou Whitney.

It has been said that in this life we often start out writing one book and end up with quite another. That is certainly true of Ann Hauprich.

Although her byline has accompanied more than a thousand stories in periodicals across North America, Ann originally had designs on a career as a commercial artist. “The portfolio that once contained works of art is now filled with words of art,” notes Ann, who decided to switch college majors after several essays describing her experiences as a Rotary International exchange student were published in a small weekly newspaper serving her Ballston Spa, NY hometown.

The literary tapestry Ann has woven over the past five decades includes threads spun from exclusive interviews with such celebrated personalities as Andy Rooney, David Hyde Pierce and Marylou Whitney. In addition, Ann — who founded Saratoga Living magazine in 1998 and served as its editor and publisher until 2004 — has drawn readers into the lives of legions of lesser known, but nonetheless fascinating, individuals.

I was intrigued to discover that seemingly ordinary people were often doing rather extraordinary things with their lives.

Subsequent staff writing and editing positions in the Toronto area (including serving as News Editor of The Oakville Beaver in the early 1980s) only served to reinforce Ann’s desire to polish her skills as a wordsmith. “A blank sheet of typing paper became the canvas . . . key strokes replaced brush stokes.”

By the late 1980s, Ann had earned awards in publication categories ranging from Best Editorial to Best Feature Article to Best Front Page Design. She also served for several years on the Journalism Advisory Committee of her beloved Alma Mater, Sheridan College of Applied Arts & Technology.

A new chapter in her life began after the demands of motherhood led Ann to launch a career as a communications consultant. Working primarily from a home-based office, Ann became a columnist and feature writer for Today’s Parent (Canada’s national parenting magazine) and a public relations consultant for the Halton Regional Children’s Aid Society (a division of the Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services). The latter position required that Ann host a monthly cable TV program called “CAS Cares” as well as writing media releases, editing newsletters and assisting with a host of innovative community outreach projects designed to boost awareness of child abuse and neglect issues.

Ann also tackled several projects for a division of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food. These included creating “Quest for Success” (a career planning workshop for 4-H members and their leaders) and some literary endeavors linked to the province’s then ground-breaking “Agriculture In The Classroom” program.

Wanting her children to grow up closer to their grandparents and what seemed like cousins by the dozens, Ann (who is one of 10 children) decided to move back to the Saratoga Region at the dawn of the 1990s. This time she chose to freelance from home and soon had bylines in such publications as Adirondack Life, Bluegrass Unlimited, GRIT: American Life & Traditions, New York Thoroughbred, Writer’s Digest and Women’s Circle. Ann also gave workshops in which participants received a copy of Marketing Your Words of Art — a motivational workbook she wrote for freelance writers who are serious about getting published.

Ann subsequently welcomed a third baby and began penning what would become the opening chapters of Deadlines, Headlines & Porcupines: The Laugh Lines Behind the Bylines. The writing of the book’s final chapters was put on hold after the tiny magazine Ann started from a spare bedroom in her home (originally called Saratoga County Living: The magazine that showcases the faces behind the places) grew from a hobby to a full-time job. “By the time I sold the magazine in 2004, I had worn the hats not only of an editor and a publisher, but also of an advertising director, a circulation manager and everything in between. That left precious little time for what I loved most about the business: writing. I missed being a full-time writer more than words can say.”

Following publication of the Laugh Lines book in 2006, Ann began researching and writing Ballston Spa: The Way We Were, The Way We Are — a limited edition literary keepsake in conjunction with archival photographer Michael L. Noonan to commemorate the Village of Ballston Spa, New York’s Bicentennial in 2007.

As Ballston Spa’s 200th anniversary celebrations were drawing to a close, Ann – in conjunction with Village History Consultant Maurice “Christopher” Morley and photographer Antonio Bucca — happened upon the idea for a third title. The 2009 publication of Ballston Spa: The Way We Were, The Way We Are, The Way We Hope To Be ultimately led to the co-founding of Legacies Unlimited which is dedicated to preserving the past and present for future generations and the creation of two additional books.  The Prayer Lines Behind the Bylines: Inspiring stories from a journalist’s spirited journey was followed a year later by Mornings with Morley. (CLICK HERE to view related multi-media presentation created by Legacies Unlimited co-founder Mary Hauprich Reilly.)

Ann, who graduated with the Ballston Spa High School Class of 1971, was deeply honored when her contributions to literature were recognized as part of the district’s 2013 alumni award ceremony. Her “words of art” have most recently graced the pages of Simply SaratogaSaratoga Family and Healthy Saratoga magazines. Forthcoming literary brush strokes will be showcased on and within the Ballston Spa 2020 Community Yearbook. Click here for more info.